“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

Mark Twain knew what he was talking about: life in your comfort zone is not a life. I am used to being uncomfortable;  I am a junior high teacher. I have traveled since I was little. We didn’t have extravagant travels; just family road trips to Kansas to visit relatives, which my walkman was my best friend.  Yes, my walkman. We had a couple of trips in there that were just unforgettable. We drove to Alberta, Canada.  We went through all the major national parks. Hence my travel bug started there. I love geography and history,  so naturally I would want to visit every country in the world and be uncomfortable. As a teacher, I am able to throw off the bowlines.

Things I have done to cut those tight ropes:

Hiking the Inca Trail by myself with a guide and 10 sherpas.

Staying at a hostel in Kauai and making international friends.

Walking the grounds of the Palace of Versailles and getting rained on

Solemnly walking the American Cemetery in Normandy

Zip lining in Costa Rica

Snorkeling in St. John’s Virgin Islands with my husband

Observing Friday prayer at the Blue Mosque

Hitching a ride on a Vespa to Paradise Beach in Mykonos. The helpful person had enough room for one person, so he took my friend first. Boy, it was lonely out there in the country side- walking and waiting.

These are just some of the experiences that I can share with my students. And I share the exact quote with them that I share with you. Life is the experience,  not the tangible things that make up a good life.

So let’s get this party started…





“Twenty years f…


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